Invest smart in high-growth green assets. Earn direct yields and utility rewards. Own and drive the green energy transition with penomo.
powered by Real World Asset (RWA) tokenization.
brings decentralized finance & liquidity to accelerate the renewable energy revolution.
Browse through a global and local curation of real, high-growth energy assets. Build a portfolio that helps power the world, literally.
Earn as your portfolio assets trade energy. Get yields over 14% as your ownership token and penomo token value rises.
Trade your asset tokens for stable coins or fiat. Stake tokens in cross-chain pools that local micro-grid operations, mint utility tokens.
Renewable assets will scale more than 15x by 2030.
While we remain stuck with financial technologies of the past.
Renewable RWA remain illiquid. TradFi is costly, lacks speed
and keeps private capital markets and energy communities
from owning the transition. Seriously risking the clean energy transition.
penomo investors power the World's energy DeFi engine, and win smart.
Access the community exclusive pre-sale rounds & early rewards on the penomo App.
Recover your capital and access low-cost financing for your next project